We had our Health and Wellness Fair at work this past Thursday. They had a lot of very informative booths - everything from the Arthritis Society, to World Health, to Survivor Bootcamp...and...The Yoga Studio...
For those of you that don't know, I LOVE Yoga. I try and do it every Sunday when the opportunity arises. It's been only since the start of this year that I have taken on a real interest in it. This summer, I even tried hot yoga. I am by no means an Ashtanga guru, but I do love the restorative classes. I love the great stretch that I get and how relaxed it makes me feel.
This story is going
I approached The Yoga Studio booth and was grinning ear to ear - I said "Ooooohhhh!! YOGA! The guy at the booth looks me up and down and says "YOU don't do yoga!" to which my reply was "Oh yes I do...I take a class down at Yoga Santosha." I then proceeded to show him my old ID card with my big fat face on the front of it. "This USED to be me." I said. Not suprisingly, the guy wanted to give me his card and give me 50% a class. I told him to keep his card. I was shocked...and then the shock quickly turned to anger. How could he be so rude like that??? You would think that someone in the fitness industry wouldn't treat people like that. What I need to realize is that those kinds of people are everywhere - and I clearly need to figure out a way to not let them get to me. I have been working WAY too hard to let some small-minded person rent space in my head like that.
So ya...The Yoga Studio won't be getting my business anytime soon...or ever...
It was a pretty hard week for me. I was sick to my stomach after spin class - which I found was kind of strange - I did push myself, but have pushed harded before. I think it was mainly due to a mild stomach flu which I woke up to on Tuesday. I took Wednesday off and rested - I needed it. I ended up taking Friday, and today off too. It was kind of nice actually.
We went to the movies last night and saw Crazy Stupid Love and Contagion. Both movies were great and it was nice to get out of the house for an evening.
I am looking forward to this week and I am looking forward to my fill appointment on Friday. I am finding that my hunger is coming back a little more quickly after I have eaten than I would like. I am hoping we can nip that in the bud.
Have a good week everyone!
Wow...that is so rude!!! I really don't understand why some people act that way. I was at the gym today and thinking how people should be happy to see overweight people at the gym because they need to be there and are actually trying to do something about their weight. Unfortunately most people don't think that way :(