Sunday, October 23, 2011

So close...yet so far away?

I am frustrated...

To put it bluntly...I'm REALLY frustrated...

I blogged a couple of weeks ago about how I have been stuck at the same weight for the past couple of months.  The truth is yes I have been stuck at the same weight...but I didn't say what the weight was. 

Today I am 271 lbs.  Last Monday, I was 268...exactly 10 lbs away from 100 lbs down.  It has been an excruciatingly LONG journey to get to this point... I am so close I can almost taste it.  I worked REALLY hard this week - I ate clean, I exercised my butt off (literally)and drank tons of water.  The result???  271 lbs. 

I am trying SO hard to not let a number define me - to define how hard I have worked to get to this point...but it's hard.  I think the next step will be to switch things up with my exercise program... I tried a Y-Bo class yesterday at the YMCA and really liked it.  I know I need to crank things up a notch and do more cardio.  I will continue to do spin classes and add the Y-Bo in there.  I also need to be wary of my knees and not over-do it as I have in the past.  Maybe a day off here and there?  I don't know. 

If there is anyone out there who has been stuck in a long plateau as I have, could you please give me some advice?  Thanks!!

Onto my week...

We had employee appreciation week at work.  It was really nice and it was nice that we were all recognized for doing a good job.  I don't think enough employers out there do that for their employees.  Along with employee appreciaton week, came candy, chocolate, chips and cookies....EACH day.  I did REALLY well up until Friday when I had one to many cookies.  So to put it mildly, it was slightly brutal - I have issues sometimes with self-control.  Throw in PMS and I am screwed.  I was pretty amazed when our site leader brought out a veggie tray on "candy" day and made all of us throw out our candy and dig into the veggies.  It made me feel supported - I liked that.  It's nice that I work with a great group of co-workers that support each other!

On Monday, I did a Tabata spin class.  It was put it mildly lol...we did lots of hill climbs, straight hills, straighways, and lots of intervals.  My Crossfit classes with Kendra were the hardest yet.  On Tuesday she had us doing bearcrawls, crabwalks and lots of agility ladder lats were sore up until yesterday!  I don't think I have been that sore in months.  Wednesday, I went to the YMCA by myself and proceeded to kick my own ass.  I went hard on the bike for my cardio, and then worked my legs on the leg press machine until I couldn't feel my legs.  Saturday I tried out a Y-Bo class at the Y, and today I did a spin class...I worked so hard in spin this morning that my face turned a beautiful shade of purple lol...

Yesterday, my friends Katie and Jarred got married.  The ceremony was absolutely beautiful and Katie was stunning.  I can't think of two people that are more deserving of each other than them.  I hope they will live a long and happy life together - love you guys!!

Hope everyone has a great week!  I hope to break my plateau!




  1. You are doing so great! You will see that weight drop soon. I don't know why there are weeks like this, where it seems our bodies just can't let anything go. But it will happen.

  2. sounds to me like you created more muscle. you're doing great, cous' - no worries, you'll get there!

  3. I'm sorry..that is so frustrating! Just keep it up and it will eventually go down!
