Sunday, June 19, 2011

Plugging Away...

Well it's been a bit of a hectic/crazy week...there is no other way to describe it...but I've managed to push through and make the most of it.  I just decided to take each day as it came, and then just broke each day down until I was basically taking it hour by hour...I have been tending to look way to far into the future, and then feeling anxiety - so this was my solution...

I fell off the food wagon slightly this week - by that, I don't mean I was gorging out on pastries, chip and the like, but I wasn't eating at regular times.  I would eat breakfast, and then skip my morning snack, and by the time 1130am rolled around for lunch, I was ravenous.  So there I was - gulping down  quickly eating my chicken and salad, and of course - getting stuck.  When I mean get stuck, I mean - not chewing my food hardly at all and swallowing and hoping for the best...for the most part, I think I just wasn't thinking - and just eating as I was so freakin hungry, all I wanted was food.  I did it at supper too...freak that I  Some of my choices were also not the best, but they weren't horrible - like fat free chocolate pudding...I know I could have definitely made a better choice than that - like having a banana, or another type of fruit...

This is all part of the learning process for me - experimenting with different foods and figuring out what my band will and will not like...I tested out a couple of Triscuits - and they seemed to go down well - although after about my third one, it too started to get caught.  Too dry I think.

I also don't think my band is tight enough...when I saw Dr. Church last, he seemed to think I was doing really well and didn't need much of a fill.  I find I am hungry a lot of the time and am even hungry after an hour of eating.  I see Dr. Mitchell (Dr. Church's colleague) in the middle of July and will be getting another fill then.

My exercise has been great this week...I trained with Ben - which is always good - and did Kendra's classes...we did her "Tower of Power" on Thursday - for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a series of drop sets - you start at 30 reps on light weight and then go to quite heavy at 10 reps - we managed to do 100 reps each of squats, bent over rows, and chest presses...I got through them all without stopping - I always feel great about myself and feel accomplished after doing that class.

I have some huge changes coming up in the next couple of months - both professionally and personally.  I am just going to take it day by day and just plug away and get it done.  And as I told Veronica (my therapist) I am going to finish what I started.  I am resilient and strong and capable of doing anything that I set my mind to.  I can do this...


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